Month: November 2022

Icarus Complex # 4

When the first issue of this magazine was launched back in 2019, amid the global youth protests for climate action and awareness, the understanding was that we had…

Icarus Complex # 3

Climate change is as much a story of loss as it is of opportunity. In this issue of the magazine we look at it from both perspectives. Opportunity…

Veronica Fuerte

Veronica Fuerte is the founder of Hey Studio a multidisciplinary design studio based in Barcelona with an impressive roster of clients. The work of the studio is bold,…

Christophe de la Fontaine – Dante’s Goods and Bads

The journey that brought Christophe de la Fontaine to creating his brand Dante – goods and bads with his wife, artist Aylin Langreuter, is a fascinating one. It…

The fine art of Font making

There is rarely a better set-up than having a group of friends dive into their common passion and create a business together-provided ego doesn’t get in the way….

The Storytellers

Moth Studio, the award-winning and London-based animation studio, was first established as a collective amongst friends. A virtual place that served as a springboard to nurture creative ideas….

Jonas Lindström – This is better

Photography is often said to be the most powerful tool for story-telling. Jonas Lindström has come to master that craft with work that strangely manages to oscillate between…