Category: DesignPage 1 of 3

Veronica Fuerte

Veronica Fuerte is the founder of Hey Studio a multidisciplinary design studio based in Barcelona with an impressive roster of clients. The work of the studio is bold,…

Christophe de la Fontaine – Dante’s Goods and Bads

The journey that brought Christophe de la Fontaine to creating his brand Dante – goods and bads with his wife, artist Aylin Langreuter, is a fascinating one. It…

The fine art of Font making

There is rarely a better set-up than having a group of friends dive into their common passion and create a business together-provided ego doesn’t get in the way….

The Storytellers

Moth Studio, the award-winning and London-based animation studio, was first established as a collective amongst friends. A virtual place that served as a springboard to nurture creative ideas….

Marc Tamschick, The Space Whisperer

“My dream project would be a project in which we solve the boundaries between anything driven by science or knowledge and something completely poetic and rooted in fantasy….

Marketing is dead, all hail to strategic narratives.

Interview with the prolific Barcelona-based Folch Studio It’s now old news that the media landscape has completely been upended by the emergence of social media and consumer’s increasing…

Ian Anderson on The Designers Republic

Ian Anderson journeyed into design by way of the music scene in Sheffield back in the 80s, designing flyers and record-sleeves for bands that were in his orbit….

Welcome to the world of User Interface Design-Interview with Frank Rausch

Click on the link below for full interview:

Studio Feixen, the bad boys of graphic design

Click here for full interview

50 Friends

A beautiful design book featuring 50 interviews with some of the today’s leading designers in automotive design, graphic design, fashion design, furniture design all the way to news…